Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Quick Note So My Mother Doesn't Worry

Since I don't want my mother worrying until late afternoon (US eastern time) which is morning when I wake up here, I am dropping a quick note to let you know I am alive. And the toaster is still waiting.

I got to step #1 and removed the toaster bottom, but I didn't have the right size tool to continue to step #2, so I did what any sensible person would do. I made soup instead.

I will go to the hardware store tomorrow and should have nice brown color on both sides of the slice of bread by tomorrow night.

And while you're at it, there is a really interesting comment from Jorge at the Reality Bytes post. It was nice of him to take so much time to write, and it goes to show how much effort goes into succeeding on these reality shows. And it also explains why he was our favorite.

Can't post more right now. We're watching very old Top Model episodes, followed by Masterchef.

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