Today was her graduation from first grade and from her school, which only does kindergarten and Year 1. So of course we all went to celebrate this milestone, since it is quite unthinkable that we wouldn't.
From the beginning of these blog posts, I have decided not to write much about Lily. Not that I don't talk about her continually, as anyone who has been in a conversation with me would know. But rather because I know I am so full-blown biased about this kid that I am pretty sure that there are only a couple of her relatives who would want to read what I have to write about her.
Even though I am enthralled with the topic when I talk to people about her, I can still spot some of their eyes glazing over and their lips freezing in a phony smile as I tell them the very funny/very cute/very mature-for-her-age thing that Lily has said. I know many other people don't share my enthusiasm for her and are just being polite when I talk about her. So I do the obvious. I never talk with them again.
But writing is different. Unlike a conversation, it's impossible to know if someone is having trouble keeping their eyelids open as I write about the world's most beautiful, intelligent, loving child. So I have decided not to post much about my favorite subject.
But today was special. Lily has completed Year 1. She was one of three kids chosen to read the narration for the ceremony, and - unfortunately for the other two - she was easily the best. Poise, personality, beauty, grace, stage presence. And all at the age of 6 1/2! It is scary to think what she will be like when she graduates from Year 4 or 7 or, God forbid, high school.
The ceremony was cute and really well rehearsed showing, I believe, that in Greenwich form probably matters at least as much as substance. It was cute to watch as each child came forward and very properly shook the teacher's hand as they were handed their certificate.
But the highlight was the musical interlude where the performing bands from the primary school entertained their future classmates. The group started out with the theme from Star Wars, which lasted only slightly longer than the last scene in the episode with the dancing teddy bears and ghosts of fallen comrades. Matt and Linda were upset we hadn't brought the video camera, since we were all pretty sure this would have been a monster YouTube hit.
Another bunch of players then moved on to a pretty good (for that age) version of Van Morrison's "Bright Side of the Road". And they concluded with "Lady Marmalade". Yep, here in Greenwich we don't think twice about the lyrics if we like the tune.
Anyhow, the best bit of the day was after the ceremony was over and Lily could come over to us all and give hugs and kisses. As a graduation gift, Linda gave her a little bracelet that we had bought in Elba for about $5. She liked it well enough, but I can't help remembering when she was at our house last weekend.
She picked up Linda's diamond ring, put it on her finger and decided it was beautiful. I just think these cheap costume jewelry gifts aren't going to cut it as she grows up. But then, if she continues to blow kisses at me from the stage, I don't see why that would be a problem either.
1 comment:
Congrats to Lily. Don, you brought a tear to my eye at 5:17 am. What a lovely blog, about such a special girl and her Bampi! Love, Sandy
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