It's been a couple of days since I posted, and I am starting to feel vaguely guilty for not doing it. Unfortunately, life has settled into a nice, easy rhythm but that hasn't led to a lot of topics I want to write about. Summer has finally come in beautifully, and with Linda starting her holidays today everything seems very laid back.
Oh, our accountant came by and we reviewed our retirement plans. I could write about that, but then you would all urge me to get a job, and I am enjoying this too much.
I could write about everything we're doing to get ready for Christmas, but the fact is Linda put up the tree a while ago, and we haven't done a blessed thing since then. In fact, with a week to go, we finally realized we had better call Rachael and find out what we should get Lily for Christmas. Turns out she hasn't done her shopping yet.
(That last bit proves, by the way, that you can really only get one paragraph out of NOT doing something. I am sure I will get a full post when we finally do it.)
I've started organizing Linda's business files. Believe me. You do not want a post about that.
Yesterday when I was walking I realized how great it is to be here, and couldn't help thinking about the ice storm and other winter weather hitting the folks in Vermont and Canada. So I decided today that I would shoot some pictures this morning to let you see some of the stuff that I get to see on my walkabout in Greenwich.
To be honest, there are bits of Greenwich that you have to just ignore - especially where the oil tanks are a little further down on the east side of the peninsula. But the majority of it is fantastic. Most of these pictures are from Mann's Point Park, and a few are from the nature path between Shell Park and Greenwich Point. You can check all of this out on Google Maps here. When it comes up, type "Greenwich NSW, Australia" in the search box.
Or take the easy way and just check out the pictures on Shutterfly here. One of the neat things I like about this little park is that you can see all of Sydney's three northern bridges from here. The famous coat hanger, the Sydney Harbor Bridge, is obvious, but I think the Anzac Bridge is really the most elegant and beautiful. Functional old Gladesville Bridge is off to the west.
I am seeing a friend for lunch and LK and I are shopping this afternoon. Should be some material by tomorrow!
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