I know today is Monday, the dreaded List Day, and I will get around to that later. But yesterday reminded me of the nicest birthday gift I ever received when my father gave me a poem he wrote about his first Fathers Day. This is it, and I reprint it in the profound hope that none of my friends start calling me Donny and don't judge me too harshly for being the way I was when I was nine.
A Fathers Day Remembrance
On fathers day in forty eight
God opened up his golden gate
and sent us a baby bundle of joy
in the form a nine pound baby boy
We brought him home to the farm
where his mother could regain
her strength and charm
He howled like a wolf both often and loud
and caused us to come down off from our cloud
After an extended stay at the farm
we departed for Park Street with our bundle of charm
as the years rolled by he became cunning and sweet
he had many playmates on the street
First there was Brenda a cute little lass
they started a friendship that to this day lasts
there were several kids around his age
It seems that they all had a desire for the stage
They were always planning to put on a show
Donny wanted them to know
with my experience you should start
by giving me the leading part
there are many things I could tell
especially there sliding on Porter Place Hill
Don was a bookworm at heart
even from a very young start
he'd come to you with a certain look
saying with pleading eyes read me a book
At his first communion at Immaculate Heart
his request was for a brother from the start
when Bobby arrive all seven and one half pounds
Donny was the proudest lad around
He went to school like a proud brother
and told the nuns my father's pajamas
were ruined by my mother
Don relied on reading and writing
he had little time for sports and fighting
although an avid fan from the beginning
especially when the Boston teams were winning
So to the land of Syracuse we had to go
to the land of less sunshine and more snow
when Don at age nine
began speeches, debating and making rhymes
this was a favorite of mine
He came to me in purple stole
he talked to me and soothed my soul
and then he gave the royal feast
I thank God for giving priests
This made him the contest winner
pretty good for a green beginner
on speech and debating he'd concentrate
from winning of trophies he did just great
Don entered St Johns school to continue his learning
but speech and debating were still his yearning
so let's go to St Louis at the age of sixteen
where Hazelwood High comes on the scene
He got his licence a happy young lad
took the car and picked up the date he had
while driving down the interstate
he was picked up for driving sixty eight
There is much more to be written
both funny and said
this is really an exceptional lad
His success in life is well known
his kindness and generosity shown
so in conclusion I want to say
I'm so glad you were born on fathers day.
By John Kennedy
1 comment:
Love the poem and a great family photo!
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